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Family violence


Family Violence, by definition in the Family Violence Act 2018, includes physical, sexual and psychological abuse.

The types of behaviour that fall into each of those three categories is vast and can include coercive or controlling behaviour, threats of physical abuse, loitering, damage to property, ill-treatment of household pets, economic abuse and harassment.

Protection Order

Protection Orders don’t necessarily need to stay in place permanently.

Nor do they necessarily prevent you from maintaining a relationship with your children.

What they do mean, is that there are additional frameworks that need to be implemented while the Court navigates through the issues raised when the Protection Order was first obtained.

Legal advice

Whether you think you are in need of a Protection Order, or you are the one seeking to defend the Order, you need legal advice.

I understand that these issues are difficult to deal with and I will be understanding and professional throughout my engagement with you.

If you need more information about what your options are, please contact me.

Pragmatic, understanding, reliable and professional.

Get in touch with Anna for sound advice, combined with empathy and consideration of your circumstances.